[Luke’s dad] “We gave up everything for you. We came here to give you an opportunity. And you throw it all away. Do you want to ruin your life?”
This quote reminds me of a situation many people face, especially immigrants or those who change their lives completely. Parents often make big sacrifices for their children – they move to another country, give up their dreams, work hard jobs, just so their children can have better opportunities.
I have felt this myself, especially when I came to the U.S. I had a choice – follow a safe path, look for stability, or take a risk and start my life from zero in a new country, doing what I really like. At moments like this, there is an inner conflict: on one side, you understand that your loved ones want the best for you, but on the other side, only you know what is truly “best” for you.
Parents and the older generation sometimes do not understand why we choose unusual paths, like creative jobs, startups, or moving to an unknown place. They are used to the idea of stability and sacrifice for the family. But today, the world is changing, and success is possible even if you do not follow a traditional path.
When I see quotes like this, I remember that it is important to respect the sacrifices of previous generations, but it is also important to make choices that make you happy. Because in the end, if you do something you do not love just to meet others’ expectations, you will never reach your full potential. And that will be an even bigger disappointment for everyone.
[Luke to his father] “I’m sorry you never got to do what you wanted in your life.”
This moment touched me because it talks about a deep topic: unfulfilled dreams. Every family has stories about people who had big dreams when they were young but had to give them up because of life’s circumstances.
For example, my father or grandfather might have wanted to become someone else, but life had other plans – they had to work, support their family, and follow society’s expectations. And often, these unfulfilled dreams are passed down as a reminder that we have a chance to do what they could not.
At moments like this, I ask myself: if I do not use the opportunities I have now, if I do not follow my dreams, will I not repeat the same story? I do not want to one day tell my child, “I wanted to, but I couldn’t.”
This quote also reminds me of the importance of talking with different generations. Sometimes parents regret that they could not follow their own dreams, so they try to push their children toward a “practical” path. But actually, the best way to respect their sacrifices is not to repeat their mistakes, but to move forward, learning from their experience while following your own path.
I want to live in a way that I will not regret missed chances, because I know that the future is built today.

From a parent’s viewpoint, how would you feel if LUKE were your son?
Luke’s decision dropping out of Medical school made me irritated! He had only one semester left, just 3 months to graduate and earn the degree that many people dream of. In this case, I consider his action immature and foolish because after going through a significant part of studying, it makes sense to finish it, even if you don’t need it later. His parents invested money in his education and expected a different result. Of course, I would not be happy if my child acted like Luke.
As for the second dropout, if I were Luke’s parent, I would not be surprised anymore, but rather worried, because his future depends on his decisions at this moment. However, he realized that this was not his path at the beginning of the course, and he didn’t waste much time. I think Luke is lucky because he found something he liked in his mom’s business. It’s easier when someone close to you is already doing it and can support you in it. So, once the parents realized their child’s inclinations, I guess they were finally satisfied.
[Luke’s mother] Too many questions, not enough eating. That’s why you’re so small and skinny.
This quotation is about parent care, even overprotection. My mom took care of me, but it never felt too much, but my grandma did especially with food. She insisted that until I ate everything on my plate, I couldn’t leave the table, but I understand her, because she had a hungry childhood. After all our loved ones always want to give us what they didn’t have.
[professor in Medical school] You’ve got a real future in this.
By using these words, the professor meant that Luke had talent and potential in medicine. In my school years, I was good at chemistry: I solved chemical problems correctly, did chemical experiments and then noticed reactions carefully. In addition, I was involved in a city chemical competition due to the insistence of my teacher. However, I didn’t see myself in this field because of my indifference to this subject, as well as lesser perspectives.
[Martha Jean] You never know where you’re gonna end up. Only you know what you want.
Martha Jean meant that only Luke was responsible for his future, and he should try different paths. I remember my mom telling me that when it was time to choose a future career, she told her parents that she wanted to become a plumbing engineer, but her father was against her choice and said that it was not an appropriate job for a girl. Fortunately, she managed to convince them and graduate from the university with this specialty, which helped her to build a successful career.

A newspaper article about Luke Song.
It is quite an interesting article, at least describing why Aretha Franklin chose that particular hat for the 2009 Obama’s inauguration.
It turns out that besides the overall satisfaction with Luke’s designs, Aretha’s choice was based on the weather on the inauguration day that was cold and sunny. As Aretha was concerned about her voice, since she was going to sing on a cold day. As she wanted to stay warm she was dressed accordingly, including a tall collar, as wanted a warn hat as well. At the same time, everyone knew Franklin’s attitude towards bling.
She loved bling, and the sunny inauguration day was more that suitable for shining with all these rhinestones on her hat. Thus, we see how Aretha’s personal traits, weather conditions and Luke’s talent were crossed in one point of the university, resulting in the scene so fashionable and noticeable, that was filmed and still being discussed after a lapse of many years.
Aretha Franklin’s music
I watched the video with Aretha’s performance, and indeed, she looked like a person who was concerned about the cold weather, as it was mentioned in the Luke’s interview with “The Daily Beast”.
I can say that all Aretha’s appearance underlines her sense of style and the ability to be bright and simple at the same time. She was shining not because of the rhinestones on her hat, but because of her nature, full of life and confidence. At the same time, at such a formal ceremony, there were not too many options to show your adherence to bling, except to emphasize your personality with a stylish hat, which will be clearly visible from a far distance like a lighthouse.

the church – so many hats. . .
During my first visit to New York City in 2008, I attended a Gospel Mass in Harlem. Even though I’m not religious, I wanted to experience the strong sense of community. They welcomed us warmly, and I felt embraced by the kind atmosphere throughout the service. I believe Luke might feel the same way.
Curious about its roots, I explored the history of gospel music. It dates back hundreds of years to secret meetings held by African-American evangelical Protestant groups, and its popularity grew in the 1930s. Gospel music reflects the collective history and struggles of the African-American community. It originated from Negro spirituals—songs inspired by the suffering of generations of African slaves who were taken from their homeland and forced into slavery in what is now the United States. In fact, the roots of gospel music can be traced back to 1619, when the first African arrived in the English colony of Virginia.
The word “gospel” comes from the Anglo-Saxon word “godspell,” meaning “word of God” or “God’s energy,” referring to the Bible’s gospels as a way to connect with the divine. The songs are vibrant, emotional celebrations of community life, blending spirituality with energetic rhythms. They express hope, joy, and unity, inviting everyone to join in by singing and clapping—even if you’re not religious.
Oh Freedom! – The Golden Gospel Singers
Aretha Franklin’s music
I haven’t listened to Aretha Franklin too much but she has songs that nowadays all of us should keep in mind, like “Respect”, this is an iconic soul anthem that became a symbol of empowerment, particularly for women. Originally written and recorded by Otis Redding, Franklin reworked the song, adding her own energy and attitude.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
What you want, baby, I got it What you need, do you know I got it?
All I’m askin’ is for a little respect when you get home (Just a little bit) hey, baby
(Just a little bit) when you get home (Just a little bit) mister (Just a little bit)
I ain’t gon’ do you wrong while you’re gone Ain’t gon’ do you wrong ’cause I don’t wanna
All I’m askin’ is for a little respect when you come home (Just a little bit) baby
(Just a little bit) when you get home (Just a little bit) yeah (Just a little bit)
I’m about to give you all of my money And all I’m askin’ in return, honey
Is to give me my propers when you get home yeah, baby
(Just a, just a, just a, just a) when you get home (Just a little bit) yeah (Just a little bit)
Ooh, your kisses, sweeter than honey And guess what? So is my money
All I want you to do for me, is give it to me when you get home yeah, baby
(Re, re, re, re) whip it to me (Respect, just a little bit) when you get home, now (Just a little bit)
Find out what it means to me R-E-S-P-E-C-T Take care, TCB, oh A little respect
(Sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me)
Whoa, babe a little respect (Just a little bit) I get tired (Just a little bit) keep on tryin’
(Just a little bit) you’re runnin’ out of fools (Just a little bit) and I ain’t lyin’(Just a little bit)
start when you come home (Re, re, re, respect) or you might walk in
(Just a little bit) and find out I’m gone (Just a little bit) I gotta have

An article about Luke Song’s life
The article describes Luke’s life when he moved to the United States and where he studied, when he started his business. He is a designer, and all hats Luke designs himself. In the beginning he had a physical store, now he has only an online store. After exposure at the inauguration, Song’s life has changed. He met new friends and had interviews all over the world. One of those interviews was in that article.
Luke talked about Franklin when she came for the first time to his store twenty years ago and how he felt himself at that moment. It’s clear that he was shocked! He talked about the Franklin’s character. She was very soft spoken, she didn’t like to talk much, and she had a great sense of style. When she asked Song to make a hat for the inauguration, he was stunned but it wasn’t difficult for him because she described to him what she needed. He had made hundreds of hats for her and the inauguration hat was the most famous! He was very glad that she turned to him.
Aretha Franklin’s music
It seems to me that I saw that video before. Incredible vocal talent and an incredible song about the country, about freedom. Her hat is really memorable. It’s impossible not to notice that hat. Maybe it is the reason why I remember that video. As I read from the interview with Luke Song, that hat was made out of felt and adorned with crystals Swarovski. Aretha Franklin asked him to make a warm hat, because the weather will be cold, and she was concerned about her voice. You can see on the video that it was really very cold. I can say that she was amazing!!

If Luke were my son. . .
. . . And he wanted to drop out of medical school or art school, I think I would have mixed feelings.
On the one hand, I would want him to follow his passion and be happy in what he does. On the other hand, I might worry about his future and the choices he makes. It would be important to have an open conversation with him to understand his motivations and support him in his decision. Because Luke’s dreams could be very varied, maybe he dreams of becoming an artist to express his creativity. Dreams can really reflect what is important to him and what he wants to accomplish in life.
[Luke’s mother] Too many questions, not enough eating. That’s why you’re so small and skinny.
This quote shows a maternal concern for Luke’s health and physical well-being. She seems to suggest that Luke spends too much time wondering and not enough time taking care of himself, which affects his physical appearance.
[Martha Jean] I talked about you because I like my hat. I couldn’t keep a good thing to myself!
Martha Jean here expresses her enthusiasm and inability to keep something she enjoys to herself. This shows that she is someone who enjoys sharing her good experiences with others.
[professor in Medical school] You’ve got a real future in this.
The professor recognizes Luke’s potential in the medical field. This quote emphasizes the encouragement and validation of his skills and his promising future in medicine.
[Martha Jean] You never know where you’re gonna end up. Only you know what you want.
Martha Jean here talks about the uncertainty of life and the importance of following your own desires and aspirations. She encourages Luke to listen to his own desires and make decisions based on what he truly wants.
[Luke’s dad] We gave up everything for you. We came here to give you an opportunity. And you throw it all away. Do you want to ruin your life?
Luke’s father expresses his frustration and sense of sacrifice for Luke’s sake. He is disappointed that Luke could potentially waste the opportunities he has been given, which shows a deep concern for his son’s future.

Often, parents try to give their children the dreams they never reached, not knowing that children might want different things. Unlike building a machine where every part is carefully planned, people grow up with their genes, their surroundings, and many other unknown things that make each person unique.
That’s why it’s important to support a child in what they love. If someone loves dancing, you shouldn’t force them to become a doctor. When a person is truly excited about what they do, they feel a special energy, their eyes light up, and even when they are tired, they feel very happy.

From a parent’s viewpoint, how would you feel if LUKE were your son?
I believe that pursuing what truly speaks to your soul is more important than following a path chosen by others. If we blindly follow our parents’ expectations instead of listening to our hearts, we may lose a part of our true selves. Of course, cultural background and family values play a big role in these decisions, but at the end of the day, being true to yourself matters more than anything else.
the church – so many hats. . .
First of all, as artists, they would probably see a lot of empty heads as blank canvases, waiting to be transformed into unique hat designs! Secondly, it would likely fill them with inspiration and pride to see their creations on display. And of course, it’s fascinating how they could merge the world of hats with the atmosphere of a church hall, creating a harmonious blend of art and tradition.

From a parent’s viewpoint, how would you feel if LUKE were your son?
I would understand the strong reaction of Luke’s parents when Luke dropped out of Medical School and Art School. They could be shocked, disappointed, angry and hopeless etc., because they thought that studying in school is the best way for their son to have a bright future. All they have done is for their son’s future. This is their love, hope and future. But now the son ruined his future by dropping out of school.
If I am in Luke’s parent situation, honestly, I will feel shocked and sad right after getting this notification. I will not be angry, but feel worried for my son. I think my son must be so full of anxiety, when he has to dropout of school. There must be something which happened behind this situation. Nobody wants to lose their time, money and energy ending up doing something when they are already in the middle of their studies.
At first, I should take time to keep calm and try to think about this situation positively. Secondly, I need to understand what’s happening to my son, and why my son made this decision. Of course, talking with my son – in a friendly, honest and open way – should be done to find out the real reason for his action.
And the last one, helping my son to find the best solution for overcoming this challenge and analyzing the pros and cons of this choice. He should think about it carefully, decide his way and be responsible for doing it. Once he chooses his path, he will have to follow it consistently and fight strongly to get his goal. I respect my son’s decision. Everybody has their own way in life, it’s not the same.
In the Luke Song story, I agree with Luke’s dropping out of the first school, but not the second, Art School. If he continued in Art School, he would get a comprehensive knowledge of art that supports him more in his work in the Hat store.
[Luke’s mother] Too many questions, not enough eating. That’s why you’re so small and skinny.
It means: Focus on eating and eat more because you are so small, do not ask questions. The mom only cares about her son’s physical health, not his feelings, his curiosity and care.
I regret that sometimes I had the same attitude before when my children were little. I wished that I could spend more time with my children, encouraging them to ask more questions answering all of these. Children are always curious about everything. The more they ask, the smarter they are!
[professor in Medical school] You’ve got a real future in this.
You are studying very well. You will have a good future with this study.
[Martha Jean] You never know where you’re gonna end up. Only you know what you want.
Only you know what you like to do. So, if you do not like it, one day you will stop it. Nobody decides it for you.
[Luke’s dad] We gave up everything for you. We came here to give you an opportunity. And you throw it all away. Do you want to ruin your life?
Luke’s parents did everything for Luke. They came to the US also because of Luke, giving him a good opportunity. But now Luke did not follow the direction that they made for him. Luke made his parents very disappointed
[Luke’s mother] I promised myself my children would never go through what I went through.
Luke’s mom does everything for her children to have a better life in the future. She does not want their future to be hard like hers was.
[Luke to his father] I’m sorry you never got to do what you wanted in your life.
Luke realized that his father did not reach his real dream in his life.
[Luke to his mother] Maybe I just wanted to be you.
Luke only likes to do his mother’s job, which is his real dream in his life.

[professor in Medical school] You’ve got a real future in this.
It’s often hard to know what you really love to do and what you want to do with your whole life. Sometimes parents choose for you, and teachers praise you. But that’s not always enough. Just because you are good at something doesn’t mean it will make you happy.
Sometimes it’s better to choose something you really enjoy and that makes you excited, even if you’re not naturally the best at it. If you find it interesting or easy, it might be easier to learn the skills you need. I know a lot of people who worked in jobs just for the money, and they quickly got tired of it because they didn’t enjoy it. We have a good example here, where someone did well. And I hope that such people are the majority.
[Luke’s mother] Your father wanted to be an opera singer, but he gave up that silly dream. He knew his responsibility. He cared about his family. You know nothing about suffering. .”
Following your dream: It’s important to be happy and do what you love. If you follow your dream, you might be very successful and happy. But sometimes, dreams are hard to achieve. It might take a long time and a lot of effort. Maybe the father thought: “If I try to be an opera singer, I might not make enough money to support my family. I need to be responsible and get a job that pays well.”
Realizing your responsibilities: It’s also very important to take care of the people you love. If you have a family, you need to make sure they have food, a house, and everything they need. Sometimes, this means putting your dreams aside. However, sometimes you can do both! Maybe you can work to support your family AND still find time to work on your dream. So, there is no easy answer. It’s a balance. Maybe the father made the right choice for his family. Maybe he regrets it. We don’t know for sure.

From a parent’s viewpoint, how would you feel if LUKE were your son?
I admit, I would feel the same way as Luke’s parents. Associated with poverty and lack of recognition of their talent. There is a simple explanation for this – all parents want the best for their children, but not all artists achieve success during their lifetime and live in poverty. Sometimes an artist’s talent is appreciated only by subsequent generations.
You know that the medical profession is one of the most necessary for people. This is a prestigious and well-paid job. And all parents want the well-being of their child.
But I, like Song’s parents, would respect my child’s choice.
the article about Luke Song
It’s interesting how Luke Song talks about developing an appreciation for the artistry involved with the hats. In his article “Korea/Detroit” Luke Song writes about the church headdress: “It needed to dazzle, to light up a woman’s face and embolden her.”
In a newspaper article “Luke Song: How I Made Aretha Franklin’s Famous Obama Inauguration Hat” he writes about the famous singer like this: “She didn’t want a lot of colors in her hats. She was muted in her tones. But then, she didn’t have to be colorful. She was already very colorful.”
Luke Song listens to each of his clients, fulfills their wishes and therefore creates unique things. He is a true Master.
[Martha Jean] I talked about you because I like my hat. I couldn’t keep a good thing to myself!
There is such a concept – word of mouth. This is when people themselves quickly pass on news, having received a positive or negative experience. And this is the best advertising. You don’t need to invest additional money in it. You just need to do your main business well.
I always took this into account in my business. I knew that if a child and his parents liked going to our Children’s Center, they would bring their friends
[Martha Jean] You never know where you’re gonna end up. Only you know what you want
It’s true! My life is an example! I never knew that I would end up in NYS. But when I realized that I wanted it, then I ended up here. One monk told me: God is dressed in the clothes of Silence. If you are calm, then you will hear Him speaking to you. This is your Conscience. This is what you really want.
[Luke’s dad] We gave up everything for you. We came here to give you an opportunity. And you throw it all away. Do you want to ruin your life?
[Luke’s mother] Your father wanted to be an opera singer, but he gave up that silly dream. He knew his responsibility. He cared about his family. You know nothing about suffering. Parental love is sacrificial by nature. We are ready to even suffer, sometimes even give up our dreams in order to build a better life for our child. And when he refuses this, it seems to us that he is destroying his life. But there is a “pitfall.” Each person builds his own life. Parents are only the foundation. It is good when it is strong. This is their merit.
But the builder is still the person himself. And if parents do not realize this, then their love becomes selfish and hinders the development of the personality of their growing child. I am writing this, realizing this, but I myself have made many mistakes in raising my children
[Luke’s mother] I promised myself my children would never go through what I went through.
Oh, yes! For example, I never wanted my children to live in a dormitory when they were students. I lived in a dormitory myself and I know that there are negative aspects there. Thus, I wanted to protect my children from this, but they were unable to get the important experience of living together and true friends. that I got.
As they say, a medal has two opposite sides.

If my son dropped out of his medical school and art school, I would feel a mix of emotions: concern, disappointment and curiosity about his reasons and future plan. However my primary concern would be understanding his perspective and supporting him in making thoughtful decisions.
I will start by having an open and honest conversation with him to understand why he made that decision. And listening without judgment would help him feel supported. Dropping out of two different fields like medical studies and Art School means that really his passion and dreams must be very big. If he is certain to leave these programs I would help him explore other options like pursuing different fields, getting clarity on his goal, or finding a career that will combine medicine, art and dreams.
In conclusion, I will want him to understand that my love and support are unconditional even if his options and choices are different from what I might envision for him.
the church – so many hats. . .
The dream of every Artist is to become famous, see his business prospering, and leave his passion. Therefore I think that Luke and his mom, when they went to Martha Jean’s church, and looked around to see many hats that they designed, Luke would feel proud of himself and very grateful also. Seeing people wearing his brand would be a testament of the hard work. Creativity and dedication that he went through to achieve that. He will also feel deeply thankful and grateful for the support of all all those customers.
These two feelings might, in conclusion, become sources of new inspiration to his future future by creating new meaningful designs. It could surely be a new motivation. Overall, Luke was fully filled with joy, success, satisfaction and with emotions thinking back how hard it was for him to convince his parents especially his father to concur with his own choice.